Easy as HGV About us
Tom McGhie, Managing Director: So I set EasyAsHGV up in 2008 after watching a very good friend of mine do his Category C Class 2 License. The only thing it was quite difficult to obtaining the license: going through medical, provisional license, theory tests, practical training. And it felt like a good idea that we could simplify the process for people. We now offer a one-stop shop. We take our candidates through the medical, the provisional, the theory revision, the theory test, the practical training. We also help with the recruitment once they’ve got the license as well. And over the years, the company has grown. We’ve now got over 90 centres across the UK. So no matter where you are in the UK, we can help with the training process.
Sam Pepper, Training Adviser: What differentiates us is our one-to-one support and the help that we give each candidate that we deal with.
Kirsty McNamara, Training Adviser: So candidates, they know they want to become a HGV driver. They’re not entirely sure how to get from wanting to be a HGV driver to actually physically getting in the truck and starting that new career. So that’s what we’re here to do. We provide the help, the support. We set everything up for them. They don’t have to worry about anything. It’s a completely stress free process for them. They can relax, focus on the revision, focus on the training, enjoy the process.
Sam Pepper: We have our own online material that you can access on your mobile phone, tablet, laptop, computer.
Tom McGhie: We have the theory revision training on their phone. It’s on an app. They can check that 24/7. They can do mock tests, revise certain sections they’re not sure about it. So, the support in the office is 09:00-18:00, but 24/7 on their phone.
Sam Pepper: One thing that we pride ourselves on is our extremely high pass rates, also the employment opportunities once people are passed, but most importantly, giving value to the customer.
Steve Bursill, HGV Traner: We don’t just stop when it gets through and get your license. It’s then the recruitment afterwards, helped get you into work. It literally is a road from start to finish. And there is over 50,000+ jobs in the UK need filling.
Tom McGhie: Also, as one of our candidates passes first time, we donate to a charity, so it’s not just the candidate that benefits.
Sam Pepper: We’re here every step of the way.
Kirsty McNamara: I mean, it’s in the name really, EasyAsHGV.